Friday, June 10, 2011

Yesterday work contributed with the whole group, I deleted the old web site from the server, and turned it in into one single script which Mr. Elkner help us out with. He had a template so all of the work we doing we can just edit it using one single script using python. One of the new command I learn during this project was how to copy a whole directory to my own directory this is the command I used:
"cp -r ../../amhs/public_html/newsite . "
this is a really important command for me to learn because I am going to be using this really often. I also learn another command which was how to remove a whole directory this is the command I used:
"rm - rf and the name of the directory "  
Today I was getting familiar with all of this new updates that we have been having, I have also finish Ms. Wolpe profile I all I do its her picture and her profile will be done. 

Click HERE to view the new page ! 

1 comment:

  1. As I showed you last week, we have basic templating working with CGI.
