Friday, May 20, 2011

Marquee Problems

After working to validate the page it give me errors with the html5, and its something I cant fix the " marquee" code, what I think its that the marquee code just don't work in html5 and with the CSS3 it works just fine I just have the change the options to CSS level 3 and it works fine. Now I try to use the marquee code in CSS but still don't work or I dont know what I'm doing wrong, because as you can see the affect have to do with the picture and I dont know what code to use to animate the picture with the marquee code.
Here I show how I try to use marquee code in the CSS and in the picture in the left shows how I try to use marquee in html5 and gives me errors:

click Here to view the page ! 

1 comment:

  1. Let's put off adding anything like a notice section with marquee behavior until much later in the development of the site. I think you will find that developing a website will proceed much more smoothly if you:

    1. Start simple with a basic layout.
    2. Make sure it looks nice and validates.
    3. Add new features, little by little, checking for
    appearance and validation after each new thing is added.

    I spent some time working on steps 1 and 2

    Let's talk today about how we can build on this beginning.
